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Mr. Marcus Timlin - Spinal Surgeon
Marcus Timlin is a consultant spinal surgeon practising at the National Spinal Cord Injuries Unit, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh.
He has a busy surgical practice performing over 500 surgeries and interventions for patients with spinal conditions every year.
Following graduation from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 1995 Mr Timlin completed his basic and higher surgical training in trauma and orthopaedic surgery in Ireland.
He attained a combined orthopaedic and neurosurgical Fellowship in complex spinal surgery in Toronto at the Toronto Western Hospital. Working with world leaders in spine surgery from 2007-2008.
He has been in practice as a consultant spine surgeon in Ireland since 2008. He was appointed as consultant orthopaedic surgeon to the National Spinal Cord Injuries Unit, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital in 2014.
Mr Timlin is the director of the National Spinal Cord Injuries Unit since 2019.
Mr Timlin was appointed as the clinical lead for back and neck pain referral pathways by the HSE and RCSI in 2018. He is a past secretary of the Irish Spine Society.
Mr Timlin is a trainer for the orthopaedic higher surgical training programme and responsible for teaching junior trainees in all aspects of spine surgery.
He is both a local and international faculty member with an interest in teaching and training in complex spine surgery.
He has a strong research history with multiple peer-reviewed papers, abstracts presentations, and book chapters.
He is a member of the Irish spine Society, the Irish Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeons, the AO spine organisation and Euro spine.
Mr Timlin is dedicated to obtaining an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan for all his patients and enjoys the challenge of this complex surgical discipline.
Research Publications
1. Smith E, O’Reilly A, Synnott K, Morris S, Timlin M. Review of Time to Decompression in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injured Patients. Ir Med J.2015 Oct;108(9): 265-7.
2. Ahern DP, Gibbons D, Dodds M, Timlin M, Cassidy N, Morris S, Synnott K, Butler JS.Operative Management of Perinatal Lumbar Disc Herniation and Cauda Equina Syndrome: A Case Series.Ir Med J. 2018 Dec 6;111(10):843.
3. Hurley ET, Maye AB, Timlin M, Lyons FG. Anterior Versus Posterior Thoracic Discectomy: A Systematic Review – Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Dec 15;42(24): E1437-E1445.
4. Kelleher MO, Timlin M, Persaud O, Rampersaud YR. Success and Failure of Minimally Invasive Decompression for Focal Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Patients With and Without Deformity - Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 Apr 9
5. Conroy E, Sproule J, Timlin M, McManus F. Axial STIR MRI: a faster method forconfirming femoral head reduction in DDH. J Child Orthop. 2009 Jun;3(3):223-7.Epub 2009 May 5
6. Devitt BM, Shelly MJ, Timlin M, O'Byrne J. Prophylactic stabilization of proximalfemoral metastatic bone disease: reconstruction intramedullary nail fracture.Orthopedics, 2008 Apr:31(4):404
7. M. Shelly, M Timlin, J. Butler, M. Walsh, A. Poynton, J. O’Byrne. Spinal Injuries inIrish Rugby – A 10 Year Review. JBJS(Br) 2006 Jun;88(6):771-5.
8. J. Butler, M Shelly, M. Timlin, W. Powderly, J. O’Byrne. Non-Tuberculous Spinal Infection In Adults: A 12 year experience from a Tertiary Referral Centre. Spine.2006Nov 1;31(23):2695-700.
149. M. Timlin, D. Toomey, C. Condron, C. Power, J. Street, P. Murray, D. Bouchier[1]Hayes. Fracture haematoma is a potent pro-inflammatory mediator of neutrophilfunction. Journal of Trauma 2005;58:1223-1229.
10.M. Timlin, C. Condron, D. Toomey, B. Thornes, S. Kearns, C. Power, J. Street. P.Murray, D. Bouchier-Hayes. N-acetyl cysteine attenuates lung injury in a rodent modelof fracture. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 2004 Feb;75(1):61-5.
11.M. Timlin, P. Moroney, D. Collins, J. O’Byrne. The 90/90 pillow reduces blood loss after knee arthroplasty: a prospective randomised case-control study. Journal of Arthroplasty 2003; 18: 765-768.
12. B Thornes, AL Collins, M Timlin, J Corrigan. Medium-Term Outcome of Calcaneal Fracturestreated Operatively and Non-Operatively. The Effect of Litigation on Outcome. Irish Journal of Medical Science, October 2002; 171: 155-157
13.A.L. Collins, M. Timlin, B. Thornes, T. O’Sullivan. A New Technique Using OldPrinciples For The Treatment Of Proximal Phalangeal Fractures. Injury 2002; 102:664-71
14. Timlin M. The Impact Factor and Orthopaedic Research. Irish Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma 2001; Vol. 6. Issue 1
15. R. Kumar, K. Moholkhar, M.Timlin, G. Fenelon, D. Borton, D. Orr . Management of CompoundFractures – The Crucial Timing of Soft Tissue Coverage by Early Plastic Surgical Intervention. Irish Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma 2000 July; Vol. 5 Issue 2
16. Thalgott J.S., Chin A.K., Ameriks J.A., Jordan F.T., Giuffre J.M., Fritts K., Timlin M. Minimally invasive 360 degrees instrumented lumbar fusion. European Spine Journal 2000 Feb;Suppl 1:S51-6
17.J. S. Thalgott, K. Fritts, J.M. Giuffre, M. Timlin. The Balloon-Assisted Endoscopic Retroperitoncal Gasless (B.E.R.G.) Approach: A Technical Report on a New, Gasless, Laparoscopic Approach to the Lumbar Spine. Surgical Endoscopy 2000 Jun;14(6):546-552
18. J. S. Thalgott, K. Fritts, J.M. Giuffre, M.Timlin. Anterior Interbody Fusion of the Cervical Spine with Coralline Hydroxapatite. Spine 1999 24 (13): 1295-12
19. S. Sultan, P. Madhavan, M. Timlin, M. Doyle, M.P. Colgan, D. Moore, G. Shanik. Aorto[1]duodenal and Aorto-caval fistula with an accessory left renal artery aneurysm presenting with heart failure and chronic anaemia due to haematemesis – Case Report. Vascular Surgery Vol 33, No. 3, 291-294 (May/June 1999)15
20. J. S. Thalgott, K. Fritts, J.M. Giuffre, M. Timlin. The use of Coralline Hydroxyapatite for Interbody Spinal Fusions. Spine: State Art Rev 1997 11 (2): 325-340.
21. J. Thalgott, M. Kabins, M. Timlin, K. Fritts, J. Giuffre. Four Year Experience with the A.O.
Anterior Thoracolumbar Locking Plate. Spinal Cord 1997, 35: 286-291
22. M. Timlin, J. Thalgott, J. Americks, F. Jordan, M. Kabins, V. Gardner, K. Fritts. Management of Metastatic Tumours of the Spine using Simple Plate Fixations. The American Surgeon 1995, 61: 704-7
Book Chapters
1. Fehlings MG, Phan N, Timlin M, Spinal Cord and Related Injuries: Review of Orthopaedic Trauma, 2nd ed. Brinker, MR, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013:387-405.
2. Fehlings MG, Timlin M, Timing of Surgical Intervention in the Setting of Acute Spinal Cord Injury: Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma. (Vaccarro AR, Fehlings MG, Dvorak MF eds.Thieme Medical Publishing; Inc, New York 2011:175-184
3. Thalgott JS, Kabins MB, Timlin M, Fritts K, Giuffre JM. Application of the AO Titanium Anterior Thoracolumbar Locking Plate: Current Techniques in Spinal Stabilization,1st ed. Fessler RG, Haid RW. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996:235-243.
4. Thalgott JS, Kabins MB, Timlin M, Fritts K, Giuffre JM.Treated Coral for Bone Replacement in Spinal Surgery: Indications & Techniques: Manual of Internal Fixation of the Spine. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:285-298.